Products purchased in this official online store are counted from the date the product is shipped. General electronic products have a one-year warranty (except for gifts and consumables, which will be clearly marked). If the product has quality problems, the user needs to provide relevant purchase receipts, contact our customer service, after we confirm, we will send the product to the customer's address. The customer is responsible for the shipping cost of the shipment.
When we receive a defective product, if it is due to non-human causes after the test, we will reschedule the delivery of a new product or repair it. We are responsible for the shipping cost of returning the product.
If the product is damaged due to man-made reasons, if the user confirms that it needs to be repaired, we will charge related fees, including the shipping cost of returning the product.
Hong Kong return address:
(Please return to the following address with SF Express)
Shop 36, G/F, Waldorf Garden Shopping Centre, 1 Tuen Lee Street, Tuen Mun District, Tuen Mun District, Hong Kong
Contact Person: Eleker
Shenzhen return address:
Room 1002, 10th Floor, Block A, World Trade Plaza, Fuhong Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China.
If customer purchases the our products in other retail stores, he/she should keep the merchant's receipt and we will provide maintenance services to the retailer.
If you have any other questions about return or exchange, please email us at Returns and exchanges that are not notified or confirmed by us will not be accepted.
Please feel free to contact Eleker, or search for on Instagram, Facebook, MeWe to contact us.